외과/정형외과12 질환별 관리: 근골격계통 질환 및 대사성 질환 개선과 과학적인 체형관리법 저자: 신원범 저 ISBN: 9788956766096 출판사: 대경북스 도서형태: 양장 원제: 질환별 관리(근골격계통 질환 및 대사성 질환 개선과 과학적인 체형관리법) 발행언어: 한국어 도서 상세정보 확인하기 질환별 관리:근골격계통 질환 및 대사성 질환 개선과 과학적인 체형관리법 COUPANG www.coupang.com ■ 이 책은 질환별 관리에 대해 다룬 도서입니다. 질환별 관리의 기초적이고 전반적인 내용을 확인할 수 있도록 구성했습니다. 1장 머리와 목부위의 구조와 질환별 관리 1 DISEASE 두통 2 DISEASE 안정피로 3 DISEASE 안면신경마비 및 3차신경통 4 DISEASE 경추염좌 5 DISEASE 경추디스크 6 DISEASE 악관절장애 2장 어깨와 위팔 및 가슴의 구조와 질환별 관.. 2020. 5. 19. The Shoulder,4/e(2Vols) - Expert Consult:Online, Print, and DVD The Shoulder,4/e(2Vols) - Expert Consult:Online, Print, and DVD Charles A. Rockwood 외 / Saunders / 978-1-4160-3427-8 / 1704p / Hardbound Significantly revised and updated, the new edition of this highly regarded reference on the shoulder continues to impress. A multitude of leading international authorities—30% new to this 4th edition—present today’s most comprehensive, in-depth view of the curr.. 2010. 6. 22. The Athlete's Shoulder,2/e The Athlete's Shoulder, 2nd Edition James R. Andrews 외 / 978-0-443-06701-3 / Churchill Livingstone / 896p / 708 illus / Hardcover Description The latest edition of this in-depth look at athletic injuries of the shoulder has been updated to feature 16 new chapters, additional illustrations and algorithms, an added focus on arthroscopic treatments, and pearls that highlight key information. Additi.. 2010. 6. 22. Surgical Management of Spinal Deformities Surgical Management of Spinal Deformities Thomas J. Errico 외 / 978-1-4160-3372-1 / Saunders / 560p / Hardcover Description A who’s who in this challenging field brings you state-of-the-art approaches to the full range of surgical management options—including reconstructive procedures—for the pediatric and adult patient with spinal deformity. Experts discuss the course of treatment for patients i.. 2010. 6. 22. Revision and Complex Shoulder Arthroplasty Revision and Complex Shoulder Arthroplasty Robert H Cofield, John W Sperling / 978-0-7817-7747-6 / LWW / 352p / 475 illus /Hardbound Written by an international group of renowned shoulder surgeons, this book is the most comprehensive, current reference devoted to revision and complex shoulder arthroplasty. The first section thoroughly explains the circumstances under which implants can fail and .. 2010. 6. 22. 이전 1 2 3 다음