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A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain Fraser Ferguson / 978-0-443-06846-1 / Churchill Livingstone / 288p / Softcover Description You are about to go on placement or have recently qualified and are about to treat patients complaining of low back pain. Questions such as 'What do I do?'; 'What do I look for'; 'How do I do it?' may suddenly become overwhelming. This pocketbook covers the examinat.. 2010. 7. 9.
Dermatologic Surgery:Requisites in Dermatology Dermatologic Surgery:Requisites in Dermatology Allison T. Vidimos 외 / 978-0-7020-3049-9 / Saunders / 264p / 447 illus / Hardcover Description This title in the Requisites in Dermatology series is the perfect resource for quick reference and rapid review in dermatologic surgery. It succinctly presents all of the most essential clinical and foundational knowledge you need for certification, recert.. 2010. 6. 22.
Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology,3/e Jatin Shah Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology,3rd Edition Jatin P. Shah / 978-0-7234-3223-4 / Mosby / 736p / Hardcover Description RSM AND BMA AWARD-WINNER! ALSO WINNER OF THE PRESTIGIOUS GEORGE DAVEY HOWELLS MEMORIAL PRIZE 2002 The new edition of this landmark atlas and text builds on the strengths of the previous two editions, with step-by-step guidance to every surgical procedure in head and neck.. 2010. 6. 22.
Trauma:Contemporary Principles and Therapy Trauma:Contemporary Principles and Therapy Lewis Flint 외 / 978-0-7817-5650-1 / LWW / 800p / Hardbound Written by international leaders in trauma surgery, this comprehensive text spans the entire field of trauma, from trauma systems, to the composition and practice of the trauma team, to management of all injuries seen in a trauma setting. The book consists of short, specific, clinically relevant.. 2010. 6. 22.
Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures,4/e Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures, 4th Edition Richard A Jaffe / 978-0-7817-6670-8 / LWW / 1408p / 350 illus / Hardbound Completely updated, and now in full color, this practical reference is a comprehensive guide to the anesthetic and perioperative management of patients during all procedures performed by general and subspecialist surgeons. The book explains each procedure from b.. 2010. 6. 22.