해외 의학 서적/USMLE8 NMS Review for USMLE Step 3,2/e NMS Review for USMLE Step 3,2nd Edition Mitchell H Rosner, Andrew E Lazar / 978-1-58255-833-2 / LWW / 352p / 115 illus / Softbound The thoroughly updated Second Edition of this popular and widely used review book offers excellent preparation for the USMLE Step 3. This edition contains six simulated USMLE tests, totaling 900 questions followed by answers and explanations. Questions are organized .. 2010. 7. 9. NMS Review for USMLE Step 2 CK,3/e NMS Review for USMLE Step 2 CK,3rd Edition Kenneth Ibsen, Nandan Bhatt / 978-0-7817-6522-0 / LWW / 654p / 43 illus / Softbound The thoroughly updated Third Edition of this popular and widely used review book offers excellent preparation for the CK (clinical knowledge) component of the USMLE Step 2. This edition contains twenty simulated USMLE tests, totaling 1,000 clinical vignette-based questio.. 2010. 7. 9. NMS Review for USMLE Step 1,7/e NMS Review for USMLE Step 1,7th Edition John S. Lazo 외 / 978-0-7817-7921-0 / LWW / 480p / Softbound Now in its completely updated Seventh Edition, this comprehensive review has long been rated as a top study tool. This edition includes fully updated USMLE question formats, using clinical vignette questions. 850 USMLE-style questions are organized into 17 tests of 50 questions each for effective .. 2010. 7. 9. NMS Review for the USMLE Clinical Skills Exam,2/e NMS Review for the USMLE Clinical Skills Exam,2nd Edition Erich A. Arias / 978-0-7817-6693-7 / LWW / 296p / 41 illus / Softbound This fully revised Second Edition offers a complete review for the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) exam. It covers all diseases encountered on the exam and prepares students to interact with patients, take a good medical history, perform a focused physical examinatio.. 2010. 7. 9. BRS Physiology, 4/e (Board Review Series) BRS Physiology, 4th Edition (Board Review Series) Linda S. Costanzo / 978-0-7817-7311-9 / LWW / 352p / 143illus Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, BRS Physiology is an excellent aid for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1. The book concisely reviews key physiological principles and includes clinical correlations throughout to emphasize connections between basic physiology and clinica.. 2010. 7. 9. 이전 1 2 다음