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150 ECG Problems,3/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.


150 ECG Problems, 3rd Edition

John R. Hampton / 978-0-443-06823-2 / Churchill Livingstone / 328p / 185 ills / Softcover


A book of 150 12-lead ECGs and rhythm strips, each with a clinical case history and question. The full ECG is reproduced and a study of it with the case history should be enough to give an answer. On the back the case is examined, with a description of the main features of the ECG along with a clinical interpretation and a “what to do” section. The cases are graded in difficulty.

New to this Edition

  • A new page size allows the presentation of the 12-lead ECGs across a single page for clarity.
  • Many of the new cases incorporate a selection of chest X-rays illustrating the different appearances that are associated with various cardiac conditions.
Author Information

By John R. Hampton, DM, MA, DPhil, FRCP, FFPM, FESC, Emeritus Professor of Cardiology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Table of Contents

  • The role of the ECG in clinical practice.
  • 150 12-lead ECGs and rhythm strips with questions and detailed answers.
