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해외 의학 서적/USMLE

BRS Gross Anatomy, 6/e (Board Review Series)

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 7. 9.



BRS Gross Anatomy, 6th Edition (Board Review Series)


Now in its Sixth Edition, BRS Gross Anatomy is a primary course review and textbook for medical students in first-year anatomy courses. Written in concise, bulleted outline format, this text offers USMLE-style questions with answers and explanations at the end of each chapter and in an end-of-book comprehensive exam. Other features include nearly 150 two-color illustrations, 50 radiologic clinical images, Clinical Correlations boxes, end-of-chapter summaries, and muscle tables. New to this edition are highlighted "Development Checks" sections on embryology. Terminology has been updated to conform to Terminologia Anatomica.

The fully searchable text and a question bank will be available online at thePoint.


