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Pediatric Respiratory Medicine,2/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.



Pediatric Respiratory Medicine,2nd Edition

Lynn M. Taussig, Louis I. Landau / 978-0-323-04048-8 / Mosby / 1152p / 600 ills / Hardcover


Featuring the work of recognized worldwide experts, this user-friendly text presents the most current scientific information, diagnostic approaches, and management strategies for the care of children with acute and chronic respiratory diseases. A consistent chapter format enables you to rapidly and effortlessly locate the most current protocols on manifestations, etiologies, triggers, approaches to treatment, complications, and preventative strategies. And, a bonus website—new to this edition—features all of the book’s illustrations and extensive reference lists for each chapter in electronic format for your personal use.

Key Features

  • Includes guidance on differential diagnosis to help you determine which disease or condition your patient may have.
  • Uses extensive color-coded algorithms to facilitate quick diagnosis, management, and treatment decisions.
  • Organizes material to parallel your clinical decision making process.
  • Provides expert guidance on what diagnostic tests to order for each patient—and how to interpret the results.
  • Presents important “take home” concepts within each chapter to help you recall clinical pearls.
  • Includes the most need-to-know basic science, focusing on providing clear implications for patient care.

New to this Edition

  • Includes a separate website with all of the images from the text and extensive reference lists—downloadable for your personal use.
  • Provides the latest scientific information and diagnostic and management strategies for the care of children with respiratory illnesses.
  • Features a new, functional four-color design to help you identify important information quickly and differentiate between essential and extraneous material.
  • Presents cutting-edge coverage with new information on the biology of, and the influences on, the respiratory system during childhood, as well as the diagnosis and management of both common (ie, wheezing infant, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis) and less common (ie, SARS, chest tumors, collagen vascular diseases, Familial Mediterranean Fever) conditions.
Author Information

By Lynn M. Taussig, MD, President and CEO, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, CO, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO; and Louis I. Landau, MD, FRACP, Executive Dean and Professor of Paediatrics, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

