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Pericardial Diseases:Clinical Diagnostic Imaging Atlas (with DVD)

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.



Pericardial Diseases:Clinical Diagnostic Imaging Atlas (with DVD)

Stuart J. Hutchison / 978-1-4160-5274-6 / Saunders / 288p / 426 illus / Hardcover


Often times the symptoms of pericardial disease such as fever, chest pain, and shortness of breath are non-specific, making an accurate diagnosis a challenging task. Now, you can detect and treat pericardial disease in time to save many more patients. This title in the brand-new Clinical Diagnostic Imaging Atlas Series offers you authoritative guidance from a well-known cardiologist and imaging expert about when and how to perform the latest diagnostic imaging tests, interpret the results, and effectively treat the emergency. Detailed discussions of hot topics, full-color illustrations, and a DVD of procedural video clips, animations, and downloadable image libraries help you provide fast, appropriate treatment for each challenging case you face.

Key Features

  • Offers detailed advice on when and how to screen for the most prevalent but often difficult-to-diagnose pericardial diseases to help you improve care and increase survival rates.
  • Discusses the hottest topics in pericardial disease, including imaging of the pericardium • pericarditis• pericardial effusions • pericardial tamponade • pericardial constriction • masses and encasement of the pericardium • pneumopericardium • and more that help you quickly diagnose the non-specific symptoms associated with pericardial disease.
  • Presents 49 fully illustrated case presentations with teaching points that make information easy to understand and digest.
  • Addresses the advantages and limitations of chest radiology, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, cardiac CT, MR, angiography, and nuclear cardiology techniques so you can quickly determine the best imaging approach.
  • Includes supporting evidence and current AHA/ACC guidelines for more accurate interpretations of your imaging findings.
  • Uses a consistent, easy-to-follow chapter format that includes topic overview, an outline of imaging/diagnostic options, and case-based examples to make reference easy.
  • Provides more than 400 full-color illustrations for expert visual guidance.
  • Includes a bonus DVD containing 100 hundred videos of techniques and animations that show you what to look for and how to proceed as well as downloadable image libraries for use in electronic presentations.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Pericardium
Chapter 2. Physical Diagnosis of Pericardial Diseases
Chapter 3. Imaging of the Pericardium
Chapter 4. Acute Pericarditis
Chapter 5. Pericardial Effusions
Chapter 6. Pericardial Tamponade
Chapter 7. Pericardial Fluid Drainage
Chapter 8. Intrapericardial Thrombus
Chapter 9. Pericardial Constriction
Chapter 10. Pericardial Constriction Variants
Chapter 11. Congenital Absence of the Pericardium
Chapter 12. Pericardial Cysts
Chapter 13. Pericardial Masses, Tumors and Pericardial Encasement
Chapter 14. Pneumopericardium


Author Information


By Stuart J. Hutchison, MD, FRCPC, FACC, FAHA, FASE, FSCMR, FSCCT, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary Division of Cardiology, Foothills Medical Center; Department of Cardiac Sciences, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, Calgary, Canada
