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Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series:Cosmeceuticals,2/e with DVD

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.



Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series:Cosmeceuticals,2nd Edition with DVD

Zoe Diana Draelos / 978-1-4160-5553-2 / Saunders / 256p / Hardcover


This newly revised title helps you incorporate the very latest in cosmeceuticals into your busy practice. Succinctly written and lavishly illustrated, this book focuses on procedural how-to’s and offer step-by-step advice on proper techniques, pitfalls, and tricks of the trade—so you can refine and hone your skills…and expand your repertoire. This new edition includes a bonus DVD.

Key Features

  • Contains valuable advice from board-certified dermatologist Zoe Diana Draelos, MD to help you make the best possible recommendations for your patients.
  • Provides a wealth of color illustrations and photographs that depict cases as they appear in practice so you can visualize techniques clearly.

New to this Edition

  • Includes a new chapter dedicated to the future of cosmeceuticals to keep you completely current.
  • Adds a new DVD containing patient consultations for additional guidance.
  • Features new uses for botanicals.
Author Information

By Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA; President, Dermatology Consulting Services, High Point, NC, USA



