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Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials,2/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 11.


Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 2nd Edition

Helmut G Rennke, Bradley M Denker / LWW / 978-0-7817-9626-2 / 400p / Softbound


This text offers second-year medical students a case-based approach to learning mechanisms of renal disease. Each chapter covers a disease and begins with a patient case, followed by discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease. Issues of differential diagnosis and therapy are linked to pathophysiologic mechanisms. Short questions interspersed in the text require students to apply their knowledge, and detailed answers to the questions are given.

The Second Edition incorporates the latest findings regarding mechanisms of renal disease. This edition also has a two-color art program and a fresh new design that features cases, questions, and other pedagogical elements prominently.


Table of Contents


Review of Renal Physiology

Regulation of Salt and Water Balance

Disorders of Water Balance: Hyponatremia, Hypernatremia, and Polyuria

Edematous States and the Use of Diuretics

Acid-Base Physiology and Metabolic Alkalosis

Metabolic Acidosis

Disorders of Potassium Balance

Urinalysis and Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Pathogenesis of Major Glomerular and Vascular Diseases

Progression of Chronic Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
