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Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy,7/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.



Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy,7th Edition

Kenneth L. Bontrager / 978-0-323-05410-2 / Mosby  / 864p / Hardcover


Focusing on one projection per page, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, 7th Edition includes all of the positioning and projection information you need to know in a clear bulleted format. Positioning photos, radiographic images, and anatomical images, along with projection and positioning information, help you visualize anatomy and produce the most accurate images. With over 200 of the most commonly requested projections, this text includes all of the essential information for clinical practice.

Key Features

  • Radiographic Critique points out positioning errors to help you produce more accurate images.
  • Pathologic Indications list and define common pathologies to help you produce radiographs that make diagnosis easier for the physician.
  • Pediatric Applications and Geriatric Applications prepare you to deal with the needs of special populations, with information on exposure factors, positioning and shielding, and more.
  • Alternative Modalities or Procedures explain how additional projections or imaging modalities can supplement general radiographic exams best demonstrate specific anatomy or pathology.
  • Radiographic Criteria for each projection provide standards for evaluating the quality of each radiograph and help you produce the highest quality images.
  • Pathology Demonstrated explains why a projection is needed or what pathology is demonstrated and provides you with a greater understanding of the reasoning behind each projection.

New to this Edition

  • Over 150 new positioning photos and updated radiographic images provide the latest information for producing accurate images.
  • Labeled radiographs identify key radiographic anatomy and landmarks to help you easily identify anatomy.
  • More content on digital radiography describes cutting-edge developments in digital technology, including digital imaging quality factors, CR/DR exposure, and more.

Table of Contents

1. General Anatomy, Terminology and Positioning Principles

2. Image Quality, Digital Technology, and Radiation Protection

3. Chest

4. Abdomen

5. Upper Limb –– NEW positions for trauma and orthopedic applications

6. Humerus and Shoulder Girdle –– NEW humerus and shoulder projections

7. Lower Limb –– NEW positions for trauma and orthopedic applications

8. Femur and Pelvic Girdle

9. Cervical and Thoracic Spine

10. Lumbar Spine, Sacrum, and Coccyx

11. Bony Thorax: Sternum and Ribs

12. Skull and Cranial Bones

13. Facial Bones and Paranasal Sinuses

14. Biliary Tract and Upper Gastrointestinal System

15. Lower Gastrointestinal System

16. Urinary System and Venipuncture –– NEW simplified explanation of venipuncture procedure

17. Mammography and Bone Densitometry –– NEW section on bone densitometry

18. Trauma, Mobile, and Surgical Radiography

19. Pediatric Radiography

20. Angiography and Interventional Procedures –– NEW updated vascular and nonvascular procedures

21. Computed Tomography

22. Additional Diagnostic Procedures

23. Additional Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities

Appendix A – ARRT Code of Ethics –– NEW

Appendix B – Protocol for Diagnostic Radiographic Procedures –– NEW

Appendix C - Answer Key: Radiographs for Critique


Author Information

By Kenneth L. Bontrager, MA, RT(R); and John Lampignano, MEd, RT(R) (CT), Gateway Community College, Phoenix, AZ
