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Bonica's Management of Pain, 4/e (International Edition) Bonica's Management of Pain, 4/e (International Edition) [Hardcover] Scott M. Fishman 지음 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 1700p | 2010년 4월 발행 도서소개 Now in its Fourth Edition, with a brand-new editorial team, Bonica's Management of Pain will be the leading textbook and clinical reference in the field of pain medicine. An international group of the foremost experts provides comprehensive, current,.. 2010. 6. 22.
Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures,4/e Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures, 4th Edition Richard A Jaffe / 978-0-7817-6670-8 / LWW / 1408p / 350 illus / Hardbound Completely updated, and now in full color, this practical reference is a comprehensive guide to the anesthetic and perioperative management of patients during all procedures performed by general and subspecialist surgeons. The book explains each procedure from b.. 2010. 6. 22.
A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children,4/e A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 4th EditionCharles J. Cote 외 / 978-1-4160-3134-5 / Saunders / 1192p / Hardcover Description Extensively revised and updated, and in full-color throughout, the new edition of this popular text delivers practical advice on the safe, effective administration of general and regional anesthesia to infants and children. More than 50 internationally re.. 2010. 6. 22.
Swanson's Family Medicine Review,6/e Swanson's Family Medicine Review,6th Edition Alfred F. Tallia 외 / 978-0-323-05554-3 / Mosby / 944p / Softcover Description Thoroughly revised and updated, the all-time best-selling, most complete family medicine board review guide continues to be the resource of choice for anyone preparing to take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) examination. This 6th edition features dozens of new c.. 2010. 6. 22.
Mosby's 임상 진단학 휴대하기 간편한 크기, 짜임새 있는 임상 handbook! 의료 서비스 제공자들의 실습뿐만 아니라 관련 학과 학생들의 의료 관련 실습 및 훈련에도 적합한 책으로, 이학적 검사에 관한 간편하고도 짜임새 있는 포켓용 임상 참고서이다. 환자의 의학적 병력과 각 기관에 대한 검사를 통해 정보를 어떻게 얻어야 하는지를 비롯하여, 신체 각 기관별로 검사에 필요한 준비물을 나열하고 그에 따른 술기를 소개하였다. Mosby's 임상 진단학 조재위, 조호찬 외 옮김 / 89-90933-24-2 / 올컬러 / 352쪽 / 페이퍼백 2010. 6. 22.