임상각과81 Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: Techniques and Tips Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: Techniques and Tips [Hardcover] Paul E. Bigeleisen 지음 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 책 소개 This full-color text/atlas describes all of the nerve blocks for which ultrasound guidance has proved efficacious, including upper and lower limb blocks. The chapter organization is similar to Chelly''s Peripheral Nerve Blocks book: each block is des.. 2010. 7. 9. The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral Patterns and Stretching The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral Patterns and Stretching Joseph E. Muscolino / 978-0-323-05171-2 / Mosby / 544p / Softcover Description With more than 1,000 vibrant, full-color illustrations and over 4 hours of detailed video demonstrations, THE MUSCLE AND BONE PALPATION MANUAL is the most visually engaging way to help you master and successfully apply palpation.. 2010. 7. 9. Palliative Medicine:Online and Print 도서 미리보기 Palliative Medicine: Expert Consult(Online and Print) T. Declan Walsh 외 / 978-0-323-05674-8 / Saunders / 1520p / Hardcover Description As a palliative medicine physician, you struggle every day to make your patients as comfortable as possible in the face of physically and psychologically devastating circumstances. This new reference equips you with all of today's best international appro.. 2010. 7. 9. Mosby's Trigger Point Flip Chart with Referral Patterns and Stretching Mosby's Trigger Point Flip Chart with Referral Patterns and Stretching(Charts & Posters edition) Joseph E. Muscolino / 978-0-323-05170-5 / Mosby / 32p / 197 ills / Charts & Posters Description Treat soft tissue injury and pain with this valuable reference’s highly detailed illustrations, in an oversized 12” x 15” flip chart format! Each page includes 6-8 full-color illustrations that show trigge.. 2010. 7. 9. MacNab's Backache, 4/e MacNab's Backache, 4th Edition David A Wong, Ensor Transfeldt / LWW / 978-0-7817-6085-0 / 304p / Hardbound Macnab's Backache, Fourth Edition is an enhancement and update of Ian Macnab's classic principles of spinal anatomy and pathology, which form the cornerstones of clinical evaluation and treatment of spinal disorders. This edition is geared to practitioners in a wide variety of specialties a.. 2010. 7. 9. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 17 다음