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Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests:A Practical Guide,3/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.


Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests:A Practical Guide,3rd Edition

Robert E Hyatt 외 / 978-0-7817-7882-4 / LWW / 272p / 117 Illustrations / Softbound


Now in its Third Edition, this practical guide successfully meets the needs of pulmonary physicians, respiratory therapists, and nurses. Filled with tables, graphs, and illustrative cases, the book helps readers fully understand the clinical utility of pulmonary function tests.

This edition includes new information on the forced oscillation technique for measuring respiratory system resistance. Also included is a discussion of measurement of exhaled nitric oxide, which is becoming useful in the study of asthma. Other highlights include nearly fifty new illustrative cases and current American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Task Force guidelines on standardization of pulmonary function testing and interpretation.


Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations


Spirometry: Dynamic Lung Volumes

Static (Absolute) Lung Volumes

Diffusing Capacity of the Lungs

Bronchodilators and Bronchial Challenge Testing

Arterial Blood Gases

Other Tests of Lung Mechanics: Resistance and Compliance

Distribution of Ventilation

Maximal Respiratory Pressures

Preoperative Pulmonary Function Testing

Simple Tests of Exercise Capacity

Patterns in Various Diseases

When to Test and What to Order

Approaches to Interpreting Pulmonary Function Tests

Illustrative Cases

