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  • 의학서적, 간호, 건강, 육아, 유아, 세상 모든 도서


Mosby's Dissector for the Rehabilitation Professional: Exploring Human Anatomy Mosby's Dissector for the Rehabilitation Professional: Exploring Human Anatomy 978-0-323-05708-0 / Jeffrey Meldrum, PhD and Alexander Urfer, PT, PhD / Mosby / 224p / Spiral Bound Description Designed specifically to meet the unique needs of students studying to become rehabilitation professionals - including physical therapists, occupational therapists, and chiropractors - this full-color dissec.. 2010. 7. 9.
Lower Limb Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings Lower Limb Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings Derek Field, Jane Owen Hutchinson / 978-0-7020-3018-5 / Churchill Livingstone / 134p / 143 ills / Softcover Description Podiatry students and practitioners all need to know palpation skills, but previously have struggled to find the information they need in book form. Here is the answer: the bones, joints, muscles, nerves, arteries and veins of .. 2010. 7. 9.
Clinical Electrophysiology:Electrotherapy and Electrophysiologic Testing,3/e Clinical Electrophysiology:Electrotherapy and Electrophysiologic Testing,3rd Edition Andrew J. Robinson 외 / 978-0-7817-4484-3 / LWW / 556p / 175 illustrations / Hardbound Organized by therapeutic goals, the Third Edition of this comprehensive textbook on electrotherapies provides a fundamental understanding of contemporary, evidence-based intervention and assessment procedures. The text takes a .. 2010. 7. 9.
A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain Fraser Ferguson / 978-0-443-06846-1 / Churchill Livingstone / 288p / Softcover Description You are about to go on placement or have recently qualified and are about to treat patients complaining of low back pain. Questions such as 'What do I do?'; 'What do I look for'; 'How do I do it?' may suddenly become overwhelming. This pocketbook covers the examinat.. 2010. 7. 9.
근골격계의 운동과 기능해부학 근골격계의 운동과 기능해부학 허대영, 김영석 옮김 / 978-89-90933-80-8 / 372p / softcover 「근골격 해부학 아틀라스(The Atlas of Musculo-skeletal Anatomy)」는 신체의 자율적인 움직임에 관련된 해부학 구조에 대한 명쾌한 정보가 필요한 물리치료사, 트레이너 밑 이를 배우고자 하는 학생들을 위한 교과서이다. 한 눈에 쉽게 정보를 이해할 수 있도록 깔끔한 일러스트를 사용하였고, 권위 있는 많은 양의 자료를 면밀히 분석하고 상호 참조하여 정보의 정확성에서 믿을 만한 수준에 이르렀다고 장담한다. 많은 문헌들 간에 근육의 부착 부위나 움직임, 신경과 동맥분포에 대해 세세한 의견 차이가 있어 자료의 정확성이 필요한 사람들에게 혼란을 주곤 하며, 서로 비교하고 .. 2010. 7. 9.