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Rockwood 9e Fractures Package 9th Edition Rockwood 9e Fractures Package 9th Edition Hardcover: 4100 pages Publisher: LWW; 9 edition (April 4, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1975127137 ISBN-13: 978-1975127138 Product Dimensions: 11.8 x 10.1 x 18.2 inches Shipping Weight: 27.6 pounds 도서 구매하기 This package contains the following products: 9781496386519 Tornella Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 9e 9781496386540 Waters Rockwood and.. 2020. 5. 27.
Campbell-Walsh Urology: 3-Volume Set 12th Edition Campbell-Walsh Urology: 3-Volume Set 12th Edition by Alan W. Partin MD PhD (Editor), Craig A. Peters MD (Editor), Louis R. Kavoussi MD MBA (Editor), Roger R. Dmochowski MD FACS (Editor), Alan J. Wein MD PhD (Hon) FACS (Editor) Pre-order $522.49 This title has not yet been released. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. From the basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical .. 2020. 2. 29.
Atlas of Interventional Pain Management 5th Edition Atlas of Interventional Pain Management 5th Edition by Steven D. Waldman MD JD (Author) Pre-order $249.99 This title has not yet been released. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. An essential resource for pain medicine clinicians at all levels of practice and training, Atlas of Interventional Pain Management, 5th Edition, is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to delivering safe, accurate, and.. 2020. 2. 29.
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations, 4th Edition Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations, 4th Edition by David C. Preston MD (Author), Barbara E. Shapiro MD PhD (Author) Pre-order $199.99 This title has not yet been released. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Successfully correlate electrodiagnostic findings and neuromuscular ultrasound with key clinical findings with Electromyography .. 2020. 2. 29.