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Handbook of Fractures,3/e Handbook of Fractures,3rd Edition Kenneth J. Koval, Joseph D. Zuckerman / 978-0-7817-9009-3 / LWW / 440p / 296 illus / Softbound Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this pocket-sized go-anywhere guide is the ideal on-the-spot reference for residents and practitioners seeking fast facts on fracture management and classification. Chapters organized by anatomic site provide key information on.. 2010. 6. 22.
Pleural Diseases,5/e Pleural Diseases,5th Edition Richard W Light / 978-0-7817-6957-0 / LWW / 460p / Hardbound Thoroughly updated for its Fifth Edition, Dr. Light's classic text provides a focused, single-authored perspective on the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of pleural diseases. This edition has three new chapters on physiological effects of a pneumothorax or pleural effusio.. 2010. 6. 22.
Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests:A Practical Guide,3/e Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests:A Practical Guide,3rd Edition Robert E Hyatt 외 / 978-0-7817-7882-4 / LWW / 272p / 117 Illustrations / Softbound Now in its Third Edition, this practical guide successfully meets the needs of pulmonary physicians, respiratory therapists, and nurses. Filled with tables, graphs, and illustrative cases, the book helps readers fully understand the clinical u.. 2010. 6. 22.
Critical Care Nephrology : Expert Consult - Online and Print Critical Care Nephrology,2nd Edition : Expert Consult - Online and Print Claudio Ronco 외 / 978-1-4160-4252-5 / Saunders / 1848p / 610 illus / Hardcover Description Because of the increase in serious kidney diseases, including end-stage renal disease, your role as a nephrologist, intensivist, surgeon, or critical care physician is quickly expanding. Well received in its 1st edition, this 2nd edit.. 2010. 6. 22.