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The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33/e (워싱턴내과매뉴얼) The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33/e [Paperback] Corey Foster 지음 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Established for over 40 years, as the bible of the medical ward, The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition—with even more of the current information you need, delivered in a timesaving, quick-reference style. .. 2010. 6. 22.
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics,32/e The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 32nd Edition Daniel H Cooper 외 / LWW / 978-0-7817-6517-6 / 848p / Softbound Established for over 40 years as the "bible" of the medical ward, The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Second Edition and builds upon that proud tradition—with even more of the current information you need, delivered in a timesaving, quick-refe.. 2010. 6. 22.
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Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis,7/e Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis, 7th Edition H. Harold Friedman / LWW / 978-0-7817-2955-0 / 464p / Softbound Now in its updated Seventh Edition, this popular Spiral(R) Manual is a step-by-step guide to the diagnostic workup of 75 of the most common clinical problems in internal medicine. The book focuses on the analysis of the presenting signs and symptoms, history, and physical examination a.. 2010. 6. 22.
워싱턴 내과 매뉴얼 (The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics,32/e) 워싱턴 내과 매뉴얼- 임상 진단ㆍ치료 지침 연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 편 / 978-89-90933-82-9 / 1006p / softcover / 번역서 역자 서문 『The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics』의 번역을 부탁받았을 때 새삼 '32판'이라는 오랜 역사의 무게가 오롯이 느껴졌다. 현재는 'Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center'로 더 잘 알려진 워싱턴 대학병원에서 근무하던 수석 전공의들이 정성을 다해 꼼꼼히 정리한 한 권의 책자를 1943년 완성하였을 때, 60년이 훌쩍 넘는 세월의 흐름 속에서 발전에 발전을 더해가며 이렇게 전세계 모든 젊은 의학도들의 필독서가 될 것이라 예상하였을 지 문득 궁금해진다. 역서의 총괄 .. 2010. 6. 22.