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Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis,7/e

by TiStOrY티스토리 2010. 6. 22.



Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis, 7th Edition

H. Harold Friedman / LWW / 978-0-7817-2955-0 / 464p / Softbound


Now in its updated Seventh Edition, this popular Spiral(R) Manual is a step-by-step guide to the diagnostic workup of 75 of the most common clinical problems in internal medicine. The book focuses on the analysis of the presenting signs and symptoms, history, and physical examination and the appropriate use of laboratory and radiologic studies to reach a definitive diagnosis. Each chapter presents detailed information in an easy-to-follow outline format.Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis, Seventh Edition is the ideal "how-to" guide for residents, medical students, and nurse practitioners. It is also a valuable, time-saving memory aid for practicing physicians.Paperback edition available only in selected countries. Please check with your local representative or distributor.


